Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ford Focus Engine Mount Replacement

Got a replacement engine mount today in the hope that it heals my clunking noise. First job is to jack up the gearbox to support it. I didn't have any bits of wood to go between the jack and car, so I used an Argos catalogue!

Next remove the air intake system.

Here's the mounting that will be replaced. It's been soaked in WD40 because the nuts are tight.

Using my crows foot spanners and breaker bar to loose the nuts. Reason for using the crows foot spanner is because there is a lot of thread and I don't have any deep sockets.

The same goes for the centre nut but there is no space for a crows foot spanner. Luckily I had a spark plug socket that was the correct size.

Here's the hole it leaves behind:

Put new one in, tighten it all down.

And here you can see the cracks in the old one.

Unfortunately the clunk is still there. I suspect there have been a couple of things let go at the same time which has made this difficult to pinpoint but I believe I have narrowed it down to a track-rod end.

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